Feeling Small Being A Generalist?

Janet Lim
4 min readJan 1, 2024

Do you suffer from the "I am a generalist and therefore nobody" syndrome? Don’t — that era is over.

The Rise of Generalist

In fact, I would argue that if you are a deep expert in one field, you better buck up and do something.

And if you already are one, congratulations, and it’s time to be an Expert Generalist!


Yes, this is counter-intuitive especially if you come from an Asian background like me, where your parents and entire society respect and look up to ‘experts’ like doctor, engineer, accountant, lawyer….etc.

No doubt, we understand the idea of a T-shaped talent, where you possess deep knowledge of and skills in specific areas, yet having cross-disciplinary competencies and the ability to collaborate with professionals in other industries.

But, Expert Generalist, is different ball game altogether.

What is an Expert Generalist?

The term Expert Generalist is coined by Orit Gadiesh, the Chairman of Bain & Company

“Someone who has the ability and curiosity to master and collect expertise in many different disciplines, industries, skills…



Janet Lim

Entrepreneur coach, strategy facilitator | Advocator of entrepreneur development and wellbeing